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Application Example
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Application Example

CAT1/CAT2 identification in Solanum nigrum L.

The usability of PrimerIdent was tested by designing primers that could be used to identify different different isozymes of the antioxidative plant defence system enzyme catalase (CAT) from Solanum nigrum L.
CAT is one of the main H2O2 catalysts and has several isozymes grouped according to their cellular localization: CAT1 – mainly expressed in photosynthetic tissues; CAT2 – essentially expressed in vascular tissues; CAT3 – expressed in seeds and young plants (Willekens et al., 1994).
S. nigrum, commonly known as black nightshade, is a plant species with very few described nucleotide sequences. Due to its phylogenetic proximity to Potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), chilli-pepper (Capsicum annum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum ), cDNAs from these plant species were used to assemble the sequences alignments for each type of enzyme to be studied:
[››]S. tuberosum CAT1 (AY442179), S. lycopersicum CAT1 (AF112368), C. annum CAT1 (AY128694), N. tabacum CAT1 (NTU93244),
[››]S. tuberosum CAT2 (AY500290), S. lycopersicum CAT2 (M93719), C. annum CAT2 (AB007190) and N. tabacum CAT2 (NTU07627).
CAT3 wasn’t included in the analysis due to the lack of sequence information that would ensure a reliable and specific primer design.
The FASTA alignments were assembled for each case and submitted to PrimerIdent for left primer search, using default settings, with the exception of GC-Clamp, which was changed to 1 (all primers found end in either a G or a C). The sequence chosen for template was from S. tuberosum. The different primers chosen for each of the cDNAs studied are depicted in Table 1.
Primer name Primer sequence Identity for each of the alignment sequences (%)
Solanum tuberosum Solanum lycopersicum Capsicum annum Nicotiana tabaccum
CAT1 CTGCCCTTCTATTGTGGTTC 100 (CAT1) 45,0 (CAT2) 100 (CAT1) 45,0 (CAT2) 100 (CAT1) 45,0 (CAT2) 100 (CAT1) 45,0 (CAT2)
CAT2 CGTTCCTTCCTGAGAGTTTG 100 (CAT2) 55,0 (CAT1) 100 (CAT2) 55,0 (CAT1) 85,0 (CAT2) 60,0 (CAT1) 90,0 (CAT2) 60,0 (CAT1)
Table 1 - Left primers chosen from the PrimerIdent reports
The forward (left) primers (Table 1) chosen with the help of PrimerIdent were successfully used in 3’ RACE reactions, along with a reverse primer-adapter for CAT1 and CAT2 (Figure 1). Each RACE reaction for each primer produced one band that was cloned and sequenced. The sequences obtained corresponded to each of the enzymes expected and, therefore, were published in NCBI. As a result, PrimerIdent helped selecting specific PCR primers that led to the successful identification of the following partial sequences:
[››]FJ402837 – Solanum nigrum CAT1;
[››]FJ402838 – Solanum nigrum CAT2;

Figure 1 - Agarose gel electrophoresis for the 3’ RACE reactions
M – GeneRuller DNA ladder Mix (Fermentas, Lithuania), 1 µg;
1 – 3’ RACE for S. nigrum CAT1;
2 – 3’ RACE for S. nigrum CAT2.
Report Analysis
Table 2 depicts the statistical analysis from a PrimerIdent report and shows how conserved primers across multiple species and simultaneously specific for a certain isozyme can be rare. Of all 409 primers found (using the default conditions of PrimerIdent and using S. tuberosum CAT1 as template sequence) only 73 (23%) are conserved across all 4 Solanaceae. A more relaxed criterion than strict conservation can be used to define a primer suitable for S. nigrum: 100% identity for Potato/Tomato and >85% identity for Tobacco and Pepper. Choosing primers with this criterion increases the possible primers to 241 (59%). However, when taking into account that these primers must have a low identity to CAT2 sequences in order to be specific to CAT1, the number of primers found drops to only 34 (8% of the total primers). It should be emphasized that the primers provided in the final report are not degenerated. The researcher can choose from the resulting list the primer that presents the maximum identity for the target cDNA, while presenting the lowest identity for related nucleotide sequences.
  Total primers Conserved primers Primers suitable for S. nigrum Primers suitable for
 S. nigrum with low identity to CAT2
S. tuberosum CAT1 as template sequence 409 73 241 34
Table 2 - Statistical results from a PrimerIdent analysis
Figure 2 shows the analysis of the distribution of the conserved primers across the Potato CAT1 sequence showing that the 28 CAT1-specific primers with an identity lower than 60% to the correspondent sequences of CAT2 are clustered in only 8 different regions of the sequence which further demonstrates how difficult would be to find them using the trial-error method. 7770

Figure 2 - Location of the primers described in Table 2 across S. tuberosum CAT1 sequence (AY442179) The numbers represent the sequence length (in bp);  represents the location of the primers considered suitable for CAT1 of S. nigrum; represents the location of the conserved primers; represents the location of the primers considered suitable for CAT1 of S. nigrum with an identity lower than 60% to the correspondent sequences of CAT2.
Creative Commons License PrimerIdent Application Example by Alberto Pessoa, Susana Pereira and Jorge Teixeira is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Copyright Notice
PrimerIdent is a Copyright (c) of Alberto Pessoa,
Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade do Porto, Portugal; 2009-2013.

PrimerIdent uses Primer3, Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2004,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Steve Rozen, and Helen Skaletsky
All rights reserved.