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Application ExampleCAT1/CAT2 identification in Solanum nigrum L.CAT is one of the main H2O2 catalysts and has several isozymes grouped according to their cellular localization: CAT1 – mainly expressed in photosynthetic tissues; CAT2 – essentially expressed in vascular tissues; CAT3 – expressed in seeds and young plants (Willekens et al., 1994). S. nigrum, commonly known as black nightshade, is a plant species with very few described nucleotide sequences. Due to its phylogenetic proximity to Potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), chilli-pepper (Capsicum annum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum ), cDNAs from these plant species were used to assemble the sequences alignments for each type of enzyme to be studied:
[››]S. tuberosum CAT1 (AY442179),
S. lycopersicum CAT1 (AF112368), C. annum CAT1
(AY128694), N. tabacum CAT1 (NTU93244),
[››]S. tuberosum CAT2 (AY500290),
S. lycopersicum CAT2 (M93719), C. annum CAT2 (AB007190)
and N. tabacum CAT2 (NTU07627).
CAT3 wasn’t included in the analysis due to the lack of sequence
information that would ensure a reliable and specific primer
The FASTA alignments were assembled for each case and submitted to PrimerIdent for left primer search, using default settings, with the exception of GC-Clamp, which was changed to 1 (all primers found end in either a G or a C). The sequence chosen for template was from S. tuberosum. The different primers chosen for each of the cDNAs studied are depicted in Table 1.
[››]FJ402837 – Solanum nigrum
[››]FJ402838 – Solanum nigrum
![]() Figure 1 - Agarose gel electrophoresis for the 3’ RACE reactions M – GeneRuller DNA ladder Mix (Fermentas, Lithuania), 1 µg; 1 – 3’ RACE for S. nigrum CAT1; 2 – 3’ RACE for S. nigrum CAT2.
Report Analysis
![]() Figure 2 - Location of the primers described in Table 2 across S. tuberosum CAT1 sequence (AY442179) The numbers represent the sequence length (in bp); ● represents the location of the primers considered suitable for CAT1 of S. nigrum; ▲ represents the location of the conserved primers; ♦ represents the location of the primers considered suitable for CAT1 of S. nigrum with an identity lower than 60% to the correspondent sequences of CAT2.